Hey gang, my name is Holly (she/her), and I'm a senior History and Spanish major. I'm from Phoenix, AZ, but for now I've traded warm sunshine for the unpredictable spring weather Appleton has to offer. One of my main historical interests is examining the historical significance of films and the specific contexts in which they were created. I'm also into analyzing how gender and sexuality are represented onscreen and what sorts of messages various types of visual media send to viewers in regards to how one should or shouldn't act based on gender identity and sexual orientation. Most popular films/TV series that deal with queerness and have LGBTQ+ characters focus on white people's perspectives, and as a queer woman of color myself, I jumped at the opportunity presented by this class to engage with material that explores queer BIPOC and their experiences.
In my free time, I've started writing and recording my own songs. Here's my newest EP:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/7j5LXNyb88GMf1rl0pPryc?si=NAcxOYWgSnWdkrbLPDt2hg
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/gthirtyeight-670005780/sets/everything-you-thought-you-knew